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Writer's pictureKip Barton

Alumni Association Celebrates the 163rd Anniversary at Founder’s Day!

Founders Day was held March 8, 2019 at the Parma Payne Goodall Alumni Center on the SDSU campus. Approximately 140 enthusiastic brothers gathered, including Jack Goodall (CA-TH ’60), at this first- time venue.

Active members from the three county chapters (Cal Theta, Cal Chi & Cal Alpha Gamma) represented about half of the overall attendees. A strong contingent from the 2012-14 Cal Theta graduate classes was great to see. Cal Chi was once again victorious in winning the coveted Capture the Flag Award presented by Gary Martin (CA-TH ’81) for highest percentage of active member attendance.

The program began with a report by John McMullen (CA-TH ’70) on the critically declining health of Cal Theta’s legendary and most admired true gentleman, Dick Troncone (CA-TH ’67). Past Eminent Supreme Archon Brad Cohen (AZ-AL ’85) and current Eminent Supreme Recorder Michael Sophir (NE-LPi ’85) also gave heartfelt tributes on the dedication, leadership and accomplishments of our fearless and relentless mentor. Brother Cohen announced that within a matter of a couple of hours leading up to the start of the evening all living Past Eminent Supreme Archons unanimously had just voted to honor Brother Troncone as an Honorary Eminent Supreme Archon for the upcoming 2019-2021 biennium, to a rousing standing ovation and tears of joy. This was an emotional night, rich in brotherhood, which shall be forever remembered.

The Eminent Archons from each local chapter then gave updates on the many accomplishments and healthy status of their chapters. Gregg Doherty (NY-DE ’55) received the 2019 Richard Troncone Brother of the Year Award. Brother Doherty gave a captivating speech on his history with the organization, and again made sure everyone knew his alma mater was Syracuse.

Joe Farrage (CA-TH ’88) aptly performed once again as master of ceremony, but jokingly insisted on a contractual agreement going forward. Lead by Brother Bill Marckwardt (CA-TH ’76), the night was wrapped with a large circle gathered to boisterously sing Friends and Come Sing to Sig. In all accords, a memorable evening had by brothers young and old. Phi Alpha!

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